Friday, February 15, 2008

Off to Madagascar We Go!

Hello Friends and Family!

Today is the day! After two great days of training in Washington, DC, I now have a 'somewhat' better idea of what to expect from the beginning of my Peace Corps adventure in Madagascar. Many more questions will get answered, I'm sure, once we arrive! My training group is wonderful so far - many interesting, talented, enthusiastic and motivated people to continue to get to know and share stories with. Everyone seems truly fitted for the Peace Corps and we all seem fitted for each other. There are 32 of us to join the 115 Volunteers already in country.

Anxiety and excitement has been building as we prepare to board our plane this afternoon. It will be a long 15 hour flight to Johannesburg, South Africa, where we will spend the night and get ready to take off for Madagascar the very next morning. Our training site in Madagascar is 2 1/2 hours outside of Antananarivo and looks wonderful! I'm thrilled to begin meeting the Peace Corps staff and other Volunteers in country. Most exciting, or nerve-racking, of all, is that we will be directly dropped off at our new host families' homes that first evening. Communication will be interesting, I'm sure. :) And then training begins! As part of the Environmental Program in Madagascar, I will more specifically be an Environmental Education Volunteer. Feeling uncertain of what that means and what skills I will need, training will be an amazing and challenging three months - especially since we will be learning and adopting a whole new language and culture. Oh man though, I am so excited. If you know me at all, you know I'm sitting at the edge of my seat, mind racing and with the biggest smile on my face. Life couldn't feel more right (and crazy) than it does at this moment (although it will probably feel even crazier in just a day or two). Since we going directly to our training site upon arrival in Madagascar, we will have no contact with home for at least the first few weeks - no internet or phone! So, although I won't be able to post again for a bit, know that I am doing wonderfully with my new cohort of Peace Corps Trainees and in my new home, Madagascar! No news is the good news, and when I get to share with you again, well, that will be the best news.

Important things of note!

New email address:

Mailing address during training:
Bureau du Corps de la Paix
B. P. 12091
Post Zoom Ankorondrano
Antananarivo 101

Send me a letter and I'll write you back!

Also, thank you so much to all who has been my incredible support system as I prepared for this amazing adventure and opportunity. I couldn't have done it without all of my extraordinary friends and family. I'll be thinking of you always, and I can't wait to share my experience with you!

I love you!


Allison said...

And what a wonderful post it is

Jeremiah said...

have fun! we enjoyed the visit before you left. hopefully we'll see you over there in the next couple of years. -jeremiah

Fullandbye said...

I am so excited for you!

Hopefully we see each other on the continent sometimes soon!

Unknown said...

here begins your adventure!!! I love you so much. I can't wait to hear from you in a few weeks!!! Good Luck!

casidor said...

I will be sending you geological maps (for your weekend prospecting trips) soon!

hifives and hugs said...

There will be a letter coming soon. Have fun, be safe, and good luck!!! I love you so much. Inside the letter will be a picture. I promise.